Monday, 30 September 2019

Buffy Wuffy


In my quest to complete 3 of Little Owls Hut's (LOH) designs to submit to be able to become one of their testers, I was sent another link to their Buffy CAL (Crochet-A-Long). There will also be a poll at the end of the month and a prize to be won.

My pup was started on the 15th of September 2019, phase one which comprised of the head and ears was completed in 2 hrs.

ok, now I can go off to bed.

On my way to work in the taxi the following morning, I completed my pup's hands and feet, and couldn't wait until I reach home to continue.

Again on my commute to work the morning after, I completed the body,  sadly I did not take my stuffing along with me 😭😭😭😭😭😭.   Sighs, oh the 10 hrs wait until I can get to stuff and complete my doggy.

After 10 long hours, I was home, with stuffing in hand I got to work on finishing my buffy wuffy.  I decided to give him a little necktie, a red one.

Home at last and puppy all stuffed.

all done 

This cute little adventurer could not be tamed, so on a beautiful sunny morning, he decided to aim for the sky, spread his paw........................................
                                                                       and climb a sweetsop tree πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

wuff.... needs to go higher

I can see the ground.

This is so Awesome

ok, this view is very nice

can you see me... oooohhhh, I can see the world from here.

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Little Miss Viking

Hi my lovies,

I received an email asking if I would like to test knit for Little Owls Hut (LOH).  Squealing with excitement, I hit reply but after reading the terms, I had to take a u-turn.  Bummer! Bummer! Bummer!

I went and search my catalog of their patterns and pics of my finished product as........ "I'm sure I have made a few of their designs before, haven't I, πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”??"

Guess I didn't, as no pictures were found, and the patterns I have in google drive I haven't made any of them.  What to do? Should I really let this opportunity pass me by?  Oooohhhh noooooo!!!!

So, I replied, letting them know that I'm interested but had no pictures currently.  I asked if I could make any 3 and then submit, to my surprise I was given the go ahead to do so.  They even sent me the link to take part in a CAL (Crochet-A-Long) for a doll in a monkey viking suit.  There will be a poll at the end of the month and a price to be won.

I started my doll September 08, 2019 and she was completed on September 13, 2019.  All parts were done and ready for attaching within 2 days, but was unable to because I didn't have some of the materials needed such as the wire (πŸ™ˆ I didn't read through the pattern prior to starting).  It was my first time adding wire to my dolls and guess what???? I think I will be adding it to more.

So my loves, get ready to vote for meeeeeeeee 😁😁😁😁...

That pink lip and pearly white though... and those lashes 😍😍

She's got a tail

Blue hair I don't care😍

So until next time loves, accept oneself. Live the life you love and love the life you live.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Who am I?

Hi loves,

I know you all must be wondering, who is behind Khenzuri?  How did the name Khenzuri came to be?  This is how.

Hi, my name is Melissa Laidlaw, I am the proud founder of Khenzuri's Treasures also known as Khenzuri.  I've always desired to own my own business, before having kids it was to own a salon with a difference.  One with class and structure, one that will set appointments and keep them, one that has an open and closing time that actually means something.

I went to  The Heart College of Cosmetology to gain accreditation as a Cosmetologist.  Just as I completed my studies and was getting ready to start up, tragedy struck on September 4, 2008 with the death of the father of my then soon to be 2-year-old baby Khensani.  My baby was already attending school (that devastating event happened on her 2nd day of school) and with the breadwinner no longer in the picture, I had to put my dreams on hold and go out and seek employment.

I went on the interview on September 27, 2008 and started working October 10, 2008 (my birthday🎈 πŸŽ‰ 🎁 btw).  The years pass one, two, three and before you know it, I was there 8 years. My baby no longer a baby, and with the demand of ensuring she gets a good education and the bills it seemed my dream had slowly faded and had became only a mythical thought.

In 2011 I took up my needles and started crocheting again, researching new stitches and patterns.  I made mostly bags then, and on one of my many visits to my local yarn shop the owner asked "why don't you take your stuff to JBDC"..  I didn't know who they were, she gave me their info, but I didn't act on it initially.

January 4, 2016 I gave birth to my second child Zuri, and a few months after she turned a year old,  I was made redundant.  With time now on my side I contacted JBDC and made an appointment to showcase my talent. I took a wide variety of things that I've made, bags, doilies, pot holders, 2 swimwear, and a doll. It seemed nothing interested them but the doll. I was a bit disappointed as they were all lovely items, it was explained that they had others who were doing swimwear and bags, doilies would not be an hit as I wouldn't be compensated for them due to mass production.  They however loved the doll and asked that I think about producing them.

I went home do further research and decided on a entirely new design.  I took in the prototype for approval and was given the go ahead to start production, there was just one issue, I had to be registered which means I need a name right????

Think Melissa, think, what would a good name be, then eureka!!!! πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘.

(Khensani + Zuri - Sani = Khenzuri)

And just like that Khenzuri / Khenzuri's Treasures was born on July 03, 2017.

Image may contain: Melissa Laidlaw

Founder/Owner Melissa Laidlaw.

Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...