Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Herringbone Stitch (crochet)

 Hi loves,

Today, I want to introduce you to the beautiful and unique crochet Herringbone stitch, which has a knitted version as well. Let's learn and create something beautiful together!

I recalled the name of the stitch I used a few years ago when making a doll top. As I was writing about different stitches for my blog, πŸ€” I thought of it. However, I couldn't quite remember how to do it, so I decided to refresh my memory on YouTube. πŸ€” I clicked on the first video that appeared.

Armed with yarn and needle in hand, started practicing, but something wasn't right... This was not the way I remembered it.  YouTube here I come again...

That's when I realized there was the half double crochet herringbone stitch and the double crochet herringbone stitch. Phew!! got to say I was a bit worried I'd bitten off more than I could chew.  I was worried, I'd only be able to talk about the basic easy everyday stitches.

Here we go, for the half double crochet (hdc)  herringbone we start as we would the hdc, by yarning over, inserting the hook, and pulling up a loop. We now have 3 loops on our hook... Here is where the fun begins. Pull the last loop through the second loop only... Yarn over and pull through both loops on the hook... There you have it. The hdc herringbone stitch is completed.  For the tutorial this week I would like to thank Tiffany Hansen.

Double crochet (dc) herringbone stitch. 

To do the dc herringbone stitch, yarn over as you would when doing the dc, insert your hook and pull up a loop, you now have three loops on your hook. Pull the last loop through the second loop on the hook. Yarn over pull through two loops. Yarn over and pull through both loops on your hook and there you have it. You have just done the dc herringbone stitch.   
For this tutorial I would like to thank Hopeful Honey

Until next time, let's be friends! 

You can find me on Instagram πŸ“·, Facebook πŸ‘, Ravelry πŸ§Ά, Twitter πŸ¦, YouTube πŸŽ₯, and TikTok πŸŽ΅. I also have an Etsy page you can check out πŸ›️. Please feel free to like πŸ‘, share 🀝, and comment πŸ’¬ on my posts across all social media platforms.

 Thanks for taking the time to read this. Live, love ❤️, and laugh πŸ˜‚ until next time! - Khenzuri

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Popcorn Any One... Stitch that is.

 Hi loves, 

Thank you for being here! 😊 It's been a while since I've said hello. πŸ‘‹ I had to take a break due to some personal issues. πŸ’” This is my first post for the new year, as it's now 2024. πŸŽ‰ This post has been sitting in my drafts for some time now. ⏳.  It's Finally posting time.

It's movie time, so let us get our popcorn 🍿🍿, sit back and enjoy the show... Just kidding.  Today's stitch is the popcorn stitch.  This is a fun somewhat easy stitch to do, it takes a little more time than most stitches to complete.  You can do your entire piece with it, whether you are making a bag, a fun skirt, or a blanket, the choices are endless.  It also doesn't matter if you are a knitter or a crochetier as the stitch can be done in both crafts.

How is the crochet popcorn stitch done you asked? No problem man! I'm happy to tell you.

Crochet version:  The popcorn stitch is worked by doing 5 double crochets (DCs) in the same stitch.  you pull up the loop of the last dc stitch made, remove your hook, insert the hook into the first dc and pull the loop through, chain 1, and just like that the popcorn is made.

Now that I've told you, let me show you. For the visuals, I want to thank Modern Made for her video, which is simple and easy to follow.

Next, I will tell you about the knitted version.  Until then

Let's be friends! 

You can find me on Instagram πŸ“·, Facebook πŸ‘, Ravelry πŸ§Ά, Twitter πŸ¦, YouTube πŸŽ₯, and TikTok πŸŽ΅. I also have an Etsy page you can check out πŸ›️. Please feel free to like πŸ‘, share 🀝, and comment πŸ’¬ on my posts across all social media platforms.

 Thanks for taking the time to read this. Live, love ❤️, and laugh πŸ˜‚ until next time! - Khenzuri

Thursday, 15 June 2023

The Mad Hatter (Part 4)

 Hi Loves, 

Part 4 and the second hat of the four for my cousin. This is like milk chocolate brown in color, this one made me do a double take.  

Why, you ask?...

Well, I initially thought of doing the brim flat and then joining but I didn't like it when I did.  I frogged it, start over joining from the get-go and it turned out to be her fave.  Let me know if it is your fave as well.  











Sadly this was the last time she wore it as it was lost that day.

Until the next post...

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Thursday, 18 May 2023

The Mad Hatter (Part 2)

 Hi Loves, 

As promised this is part 2 of the update on what I have been up to why it seems I was neglecting you all.  Again I am sorry for my absence.   For part 2 we will be looking at pictures of 2 baby beanies.  I was commissioned to make one but I couldn't decide on which color I should use.  I asked if I could make both instead and the go ahead was given (how awesome that was for me).

Color #1

Color #2

Isn't she lovely.  

It worked out as this was a gift for a friend's niece who lives in Canada and it turned out that the mother had a blanket to match and was very appreciative of the gifts.

Until the next post....

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Monday, 23 January 2023

Ari's Purse

 Hi loves, 

Happy New year to you. I would love to wish you all a wonderful and prosperous 2023, filled with good health, wealth, happiness and all your hearts desires.  On January 18, 2023, I was browsing YouTube and found a very easy to follow tutorial of a cute purse.  I watched the entire video and decided, hmmm I am going to make my little girl one.

I usually don't pay much attention to the type of yarn and sometimes the needle size.  I just use what I have and make modifications where necessary, and this time was no different.  I had this yarn , I unfortunately don't know the brand as it was a completed item I was asked to unravel to make something for my daughter's god mother, she however did not give me the go ahead and she has since past.  

I did the number of chains the pattern required but since the yarn and needle were different, my piece was small so I doubled the number of stitches. It was quiet an easy pattern to follow, I was in the rhythm minutes after starting.  After completing the number of rows she did, I decided to do another repeat which gave me the size that would be perfect for my 2 year old.

This was the amount she did.

This is what I did.

With the front being completed, I went and did the back panel.  Can you believe I modified the pattern to my liking and almost forgot what I did (πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„).   I did another modification to the pattern by joining my pieces together then did the strap separately.  I did a 6 stitch knitted I-cord strap, attached my strap and cleaned the edge of the bag up, add a button and closure. My bag was all done. This took me 2 days to complete.  It would have been done in 2-3 hours but mama had a ton of things doing in between.  The straps took the longest if I'm being honest. 

@ACraftyConcept how did I do with my version of your cute bag?

I took a few pictures of the bag and also of her wearing it.  She loved in instantly.  I was however instructed to take other pictures to post by my eldest, so that's what I did.  Side note, I normally get  some form of opposition to enter the shower (then to get out) but all I had to say was; "Lets shower to take pics with your bag".

Trying to close it.

Do you all see that leg? Baby know how to pose.

Can you tell that she loves her new bag?  I didn't attached the tassels because I was ordered by her sister to make another and wanted to ensure I had enough of the yarn to do so.  I was given some specific instructions to follow when doing the 2nd bag:

"Mommy can you make me one as well, but make it so my phone and other things can go in it!" "And it needs to go across my body, like so (demonstrating with her hands)".  So loves look out for the sequel.  

Lets be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  New items to be added.

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Monday, 22 February 2021

Christening Dress

Hi loves,

I have wonderful news, on December 22, 2020, I welcome the newest member of my family, a sweet little bundle of joy..... Princess Ari.  I'm not sure if you guys notice whenever I do anything for babies I'm always happy and inspiration is never far (hmm.... Is this my tell-tale sign of what my true calling is?  Who knows? guess we'll just have to wait and see).

Well as I said earlier inspiration is never far...  and therefore I decided she would need a christening dress and I would love to make it for her.  I went to Youtube, browsed around, and came upon a very cute and simple design by Majovel.  I watched the video (see attached video below) and then decided to start crocheting the dress.

Princess Ari was on the smaller size but due to the fact that I wouldn't be using the same yarn or the same size needle as in the video, I decided to do the largest size.  

Let's get started shall we - I did a chain of 62 using a size 2.75 mm crochet hook and Ice Yarns Natural Cotton in white.

After 2 rounds

 Round 3 completed

5 rounds completed

Making steady progress

Stitch markers in place, let's start the body of the dress.

Dress completed as per video (thread still attached, was deciding my next move) 

After completing the dress, I was left with the decision of what embellishment to use.  I thought ribbon, so I went and purchased a pretty neon pink (the choices sadly were either neon pink or really dark pink).  I wanted rose buds but the store had none. I came home to weave the ribbon through the neck, though pretty I felt something was missing.  

I consulted my daughter Sani and she too agreed it needed something else.  It wasn't until the headband was made the finishing touches came to life.  Now, there was no need for that ribbon I bought as I crochet the band needed as well as add a little colour to the sleeves and hem of the dress.  Presto my masterpiece was finito.

Too anxious to wait until the sun was out.

Doesn't she look cute

My camera does them both no justice

Thanks loves for taking a read.  Live, Love, Laugh... Please follow me on FB, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also purchase yarn to make your masterpieces here.


Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...