Showing posts with label pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pattern. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Summer All Year Round

 Hi loves, 

After the beanie/slouchy spree the paradigm was switched completely.  It started when I received a call from my aunt who taught me how to crochet. I was so excited I didn't even listen to what she was saying, I just told her "Give me 30 minutes and I'll be by your house".  When I got there she was on her phone talking, I heard someone else's voice and tried asking if it was her daughter but she was busy chatting away.  To my surprise, I saw a figure step into the room and it was that of my cousin I haven't seen in over 5 years (she lives abroad).  We had our greeting, and then she asked if I had a swimsuit she could purchase.

I replied yes, showed her the picture then informed her I would return home to retrieve it so it can be fitted.  


I took the bikini to her, the bottom was perfect but the bra cup was no match for her DDD (man I didn't see or guessed that from the outfit she had on).  I decided to make a completely different bikini for her.  This was Wednesday and she needed it for the weekend.  Short notice right she thought... But ya girl loves a challenge.  I went home and decided on what color and yarn to use as she was open to "whatever".  Before the night was done I completed one bra cup but decided to take that for a fitting, as your girl has never made any bralette for that size before.

With cup #1 completed and fitting perfectly, I did cup #2, finish the top, then on to the bikini bottom.  Time was not my friend that week as though I was done with the top in a matter of hours, the entire bikini had me thinking I would not meet the deadline.  I am happy to report that, not only did I make the deadline but it fitted her perfectly and was instantly loved.

A few rows in

Cup finish.     

After completing the bikini, I had no time to get any pic as it was already night.  It was delivered and in the morning a notification came in.  My IG page was instantly lit.

Until the next post...

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thank you loves for taking a read. LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri  


Thursday, 13 July 2023

The Mad Hatter Finale

 Hi Loves

Part 6, the final of  "The Mad Hatter" posts, the last one of the four hats, and the second one she took.  With 2 other hats on my needles, my mind was already pondering other designs, so I cast on a third.  I fell in love with the heart of the hat pattern in the second Mad Hatter post and thought to make my own design with a heart for an adult-size slouchy.  Because she liked the grey color and I knew I wouldn't have enough to make her a complete hat (shhh don't tell anyone), the decision was made to do it in 2 colors.  It turned out quite lovely, don't you think so?


Until the next post...

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thank you loves for taking a read. LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri  


Thursday, 29 June 2023

The Mad Hatter (Part 5)

 Hi Loves

Part 5,  this one was on the knitting needle at the same time as the number 2. Can you tell I was really charged up?  Caramel in color, the concept is a modified basket weave stitch.

Until the next post...

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Thursday, 4 May 2023

The Mad Hatter (part 1)

 Hi Loves, 

I hope you don't think I have been neglecting you all.  Honestly, I am still learning to juggle a business, a family and all the social media shebang all at once.  I agree that I am not good at it but is willing to learn.  It would be great to be able to have a way to post to all at once wouldn't that be grand.  If any of you know a way that I can please feel free to share.  

Now for today's post, I would like to share a few pictures with you of what I have been up to.  It's going to be a few post as though I have been absent I have been busy.  Hope you all like it.  Before I show you the first slouchy, let's get a little back story.

So, a few months before I made this exact slouchy (see my cute little model) along with a black one for a client (see first 2 pics).  Fast forward she requested the same one as it was liked and taken by a friend.  Funny thing was I did it all without a pattern, but the good thing was I was the one who designed it. I took one look at the phone and replicated my design.


Other creators: let me take before, during and after phones for my social media platforms.
ME:  Being too excited for my order, remembering only after I started.  Oh well.

I however did not forget to take the finished product.  Here you go loves.

Until the next post....

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Monday, 23 January 2023

Ari's Purse

 Hi loves, 

Happy New year to you. I would love to wish you all a wonderful and prosperous 2023, filled with good health, wealth, happiness and all your hearts desires.  On January 18, 2023, I was browsing YouTube and found a very easy to follow tutorial of a cute purse.  I watched the entire video and decided, hmmm I am going to make my little girl one.

I usually don't pay much attention to the type of yarn and sometimes the needle size.  I just use what I have and make modifications where necessary, and this time was no different.  I had this yarn , I unfortunately don't know the brand as it was a completed item I was asked to unravel to make something for my daughter's god mother, she however did not give me the go ahead and she has since past.  

I did the number of chains the pattern required but since the yarn and needle were different, my piece was small so I doubled the number of stitches. It was quiet an easy pattern to follow, I was in the rhythm minutes after starting.  After completing the number of rows she did, I decided to do another repeat which gave me the size that would be perfect for my 2 year old.

This was the amount she did.

This is what I did.

With the front being completed, I went and did the back panel.  Can you believe I modified the pattern to my liking and almost forgot what I did (😀😁😂😃😄).   I did another modification to the pattern by joining my pieces together then did the strap separately.  I did a 6 stitch knitted I-cord strap, attached my strap and cleaned the edge of the bag up, add a button and closure. My bag was all done. This took me 2 days to complete.  It would have been done in 2-3 hours but mama had a ton of things doing in between.  The straps took the longest if I'm being honest. 

@ACraftyConcept how did I do with my version of your cute bag?

I took a few pictures of the bag and also of her wearing it.  She loved in instantly.  I was however instructed to take other pictures to post by my eldest, so that's what I did.  Side note, I normally get  some form of opposition to enter the shower (then to get out) but all I had to say was; "Lets shower to take pics with your bag".

Trying to close it.

Do you all see that leg? Baby know how to pose.

Can you tell that she loves her new bag?  I didn't attached the tassels because I was ordered by her sister to make another and wanted to ensure I had enough of the yarn to do so.  I was given some specific instructions to follow when doing the 2nd bag:

"Mommy can you make me one as well, but make it so my phone and other things can go in it!" "And it needs to go across my body, like so (demonstrating with her hands)".  So loves look out for the sequel.  

Lets be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  New items to be added.

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...