Sunday, 24 June 2018

Fashion meets Practicality

Drops of Summer, again....

I wore my Drops of Summer Shawl to my television interview on #SmileJamaica

Neville Bell and I

And they loved it, a popular Radio and TV personality told me "girl that looked good on TV", while passing me in the hallway.

I few calls was received about this little beauty.  It was a hit.

Just think about it, it's totally practical, no loose ends to worry about, and when you wish not to cover your arms, you can just have it hanging like a cowl around your neck.

I'm just so happy Jen gave me this pattern, it is such an easy knit for a beginner like myself.  I intend on making more of this, I want one in just about any colour I can get it in.  Do you want one?  Feel free to message me on your very own.

#beautifullyhandmade #khenzuri #knittheshit #dropsofsummer #yarnitude #shawlknittedintheround


Popcorn anyone?

Naw, not to eat, but to wear. So here I was checking out new patterns (I constantly do) and I happen to stumble on this lovely teddy bear wearing this very cute hat.

Dreambaby DK baby crochet hat
Plymouth yarn design studio.

"OMG, this is tute." And yes I did say "tute"... "I just gotta try this."

I read through and yes this pattern is easy... I made it for one of my "manly" dolls...

And showed the soon-to-be owner... He loved it.  He asked, "Is it mine."  I'm like "no, but I can make you one."   Note, this pattern is for babies up to a year old.

But no turning back I already said I could... So I set off to make it.

"Hey, do you know what the circumference of your head is? (Again babies up to a year, pattern written for large size of 18" circumference).

Guess what? His is 22.5".... A difference of 4.5"... Hmmmm... Not to worry Melissa, you got this (I do?).  "Yeah, girl you got this"

I do.....

The beginning of something great.

Steady progress is being made

I completed the hat, but "oh no"...... It's too big... I pulled it out to lessen the number of stitches and fingers crossed it's the right size now... Patiently awaiting the finished product (the 2nd time around).  The second time is definitely the charm... 

Front view

Back view

Left side

Right side

  What do you all think about it? If you're all wondering why it's this colourful? I'll answer, #goodnewsjamaica..... Yup, the request was made for a "Joseph Coat" of a hat.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018


Hi Lovey Dovey,

While browsing Ravelry I came upon a lovely pattern called Bedtime Bella and I fell in love.  The pattern was given to me as a birthday gift from a friend and I set out to reproduce this beauty.

I posted pictures and got the request to purchase the very first one I did.  Yeah me...

What do you all think?   Isn't she just gorgeous?

I was elated.  I showcased her to the viewers of our local television morning show #SmileJamaica it's morning time, and was blown away when the request came for not one, not two but three, 1,2,3 of them.

Come on Melissa let the work begin.  I started right away on fulfilling my customer's request, she gave her colours, pink and purple, wait that's only two colours, and the request was made for three. 

Wait, what about one pink, one purple and a pink and purple... We agreed.

Check stash, hold on just a minute, I don't have to mix pink and purple... I could just use another shade of pink. Yeah, that's it.  

Dress #1... Completed

Dress #2 .... Finito 

Dress #3... Done and done.

After completing all three dresses, it is onto the head and arms.

3 heads

6 arms

I'm heading to home base now.  I need to make their wig caps and pompoms.... `
3 wig caps were completed and fitted.

Next step, unto making the pompoms for my three little beauties, and then those sleepy eyes.  

Whisper, whisper..... Hey, I'm right beside you as well you know..... Lol

Snuggle bugs... It's as if they're under the covers with arms out... 

All parts completed and attached, friends here goes......... VOGUE!!!!!!!

I really love making these, they were such great knits..... Love the fact that the dress can be just about any colour, be it solid or multicoloured.  You can put your own personal touch to it like I did with the two coloured pink on with adding Picots to the tip.  

#khenzuri #handmade #crochettoys #crochetdolls #crochet

Friday, 8 June 2018

Man Up....

The sequel,

After finishing doll #1, I really wanted to top that one as no way are they going to look the same.  I completed the body and then started thinking about what the "look" should be.

Ok Melissa, doll one had a jump suit on, he had a regular hat, what are you gonna do to make these different?  I started looking around for inspiration, new patterns etc.  I made another jump suit but this time I lengthen the pants.  I had this baby knitted hat pattern and decided to make it in two tones, so yellow and green it was (Can you all believe I just started knitting and has never knitted with two interchangeable colours before?, Girl's developing mad skills).

OMG, it turn out lovely, if I should say so myself.... And guess what?  I said so... 😆

What do you all think? 

Doll #3.... 

Doll #2 was looking good, but I want to do something different again........ I didn't want to do another jump suit.... I decided to crochet a pants but give more dimension to it.  I incorporated a few techniques and came up with a nice textured look.  I then paired it with a variegated coloured vest.  I initially added a black inside piece but some how it was just not the look I was going for. I left the clothing and moved on to the hat... So doll 1 a basic crochet hat, doll 2 a knitted hat.... What should I do for doll 3...... think, think, think, Melissa think....... While thinking I started browsing and came across this popcorn stitch baby hat.... this is it... I crocheted the smallest size and it fitted him perfectly...  

You would have thought I would have been satisfied right, well nope.... He was still missing that oomph...that pizzazz....  So while showing my work to a friend he gave me the missing piece... He said "all he needs now is a gold chain to top the look off".... I was like grinning from ear to ear as "thank you Keane" this was the missing link I needed.   I didn't find a gold chain but silver works just great..

Star Yute....

Are you all ready to see them? Of course you are, here we go........  

Trying to be gansta....

Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...