Sunday, 24 June 2018


Popcorn anyone?

Naw, not to eat, but to wear. So here I was checking out new patterns (I constantly do) and I happen to stumble on this lovely teddy bear wearing this very cute hat.

Dreambaby DK baby crochet hat
Plymouth yarn design studio.

"OMG, this is tute." And yes I did say "tute"... "I just gotta try this."

I read through and yes this pattern is easy... I made it for one of my "manly" dolls...

And showed the soon-to-be owner... He loved it.  He asked, "Is it mine."  I'm like "no, but I can make you one."   Note, this pattern is for babies up to a year old.

But no turning back I already said I could... So I set off to make it.

"Hey, do you know what the circumference of your head is? (Again babies up to a year, pattern written for large size of 18" circumference).

Guess what? His is 22.5".... A difference of 4.5"... Hmmmm... Not to worry Melissa, you got this (I do?).  "Yeah, girl you got this"

I do.....

The beginning of something great.

Steady progress is being made

I completed the hat, but "oh no"...... It's too big... I pulled it out to lessen the number of stitches and fingers crossed it's the right size now... Patiently awaiting the finished product (the 2nd time around).  The second time is definitely the charm... 

Front view

Back view

Left side

Right side

  What do you all think about it? If you're all wondering why it's this colourful? I'll answer, #goodnewsjamaica..... Yup, the request was made for a "Joseph Coat" of a hat.


  1. I think its perfect!!!!! I cant wait to feel it on my head.

    You are such a talented person. Now all you have to do is make matching gloves for when I travel to the 'freezers' around the world. (Big grin)😁😁😁😁😁

    1. Ok. I have a few patterns I want to try out yes.

  2. Those are nice sis, “tute”


Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...