Monday, 26 April 2021

Air Shine

Hi Loves,

      Here I was browsing the web, looking at different yarns when I saw this beautiful yarn called Air Shine.  I ordered the green and waited..... and waited...

4 weeks later..... 

My yarn came, I ogled over the way it looked and felt, but didn't know what to make with it.  A few months pass and still no idea what to use my Air Shine for, then Petra Breakstone decided she was having another "anything Petra KAL".

I thought to myself 🤔🤔🤔, Rayne, wouldn't that look elegant in the Air Shine.

@petrabreakstone's Rayne

I cast on and within 3 days completed my shawl and my oh my, it looked absolutely beautiful.  It was that beautiful that it was claimed before it was completed.  I didn't get a chance to really photograph the finished product.

The night I finish my shawl
pics not doing it justice.

a closeup

The happy Customer. She contributed the photos.

Thanks loves for taking a read.  Live, Love, Laugh... Please follow me on FB, InstagramTwitter. You can also purchase yarn to make your masterpieces here.

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