Saturday, 2 March 2019

My Second Attempt.

Hey Loves,

So, prior to making my first ever cardigan (see my Cardigan, Bardigan post), I made the request to test knit Petra Breakstone's cardigan while she was still working on it.  She agreed and put my name down.

The pattern was completed and ready for testing, the Ravelry forum board was ready, the pattern was received via email and now it was time to start.

Pattern read and all seems well until it was time to select needle size 4 (3.5).  I have a size 3.75, 4, etc.  Swatch gave a size of 5*5 and not 4*4... What to do?

I did what was expected... Started my cardigan.  I followed the pattern, and upon reaching a section that would become the sleeves I realize if I followed the pattern verbatim I would not have a good-fitting cardigan.  The decision was made to modify the pattern and this was a really good decision.

The top progressed beautifully and anticipation started rising.  I continued on until I had the length I wanted, and did the edging, and bind-off.

This is only the beginning


Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 ( this is where I made the decision to not follow the pattern)

The stitches for the sleeves were separated and I worked my body until I had the length I wanted. The garter stitch edge was done, I also didn't follow the pattern as I thought 3" of garter would be too much for this short version.

The body is complete.

I worked on the sleeves and again I didn't follow the pattern and made long sleeves, I made my version in short sleeves.  Petra was happy I did, as this showed how diverse her pattern was.

My not-so-willing model 😂

After weeks of being finished, I found my perfect model.  The cardigan fit her perfectly, and I finally got to see my work in all its beauty.

If you wish to make your own cardigan, you can, just follow the link:

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Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...