Sunday, 22 July 2018

Bedspread to shrug

Hi, ya'll,

You must be wondering about my heading, right? Bedspread to a shrugπŸ€”, how?

This is how, I found the Virus pattern/stitch and fell in love, deciding to not make a shawl or a simple blanket.  No, no, no, that's too basic, this girl wanted to make a bedspread out of crochet thread.  Now that's sick, right?

I set off to make my bedspread, on day one, day two, days three, four, five, six, etc, progress was sssllllooooowwww.....

Sorry I didn't take the starting, was too anxious.

Progress, I think

Colour change.

Just look at that beauty.

Change, again

Ooohhh... It's getting bigger.

Sorry for the background 

So, after what seems to be an eternity I put it aside.  It was after months of laying by the wayside that the idea came to make a piece of clothing.

First, I'll make a matching square and turn that into a coverall beachwear..... no, a top.... no... Oh man, I don't know, so again it's back to the wayside for this piece.

Then came June 30th, my grand Papi's set up..... And then it hit me... Make a shrug... And so I did...

But, as usual, anxiety gets the better of me, well no, it was a lack of time, this time😁😁.  Bet you couldn't tell it wasn't finished... I join it to form the shrug but didn't have the time to finish the edge.

I wore it and felt so darn posh, I was beaming with pride modeling MY creation.

I add the finishing touch a few days later and wow, wow, and more wow......

Photo shoot time 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


  1. Looking good lady. I. Waiting for you to show off your flaired leg beach pants with a close airy pattern thats see through but not revealing. I'm thinking a solid color like red or blue with another color in a small triangle up front (pubic) and the same second color in a horizontal parenthesis just below each 'cheek '.

    Make sense?

    1. Yes it makes sense... Wonder if I can draw the pattern first.πŸ€”


Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...