Thursday, 18 May 2023

The Mad Hatter (Part 2)

 Hi Loves, 

As promised this is part 2 of the update on what I have been up to why it seems I was neglecting you all.  Again I am sorry for my absence.   For part 2 we will be looking at pictures of 2 baby beanies.  I was commissioned to make one but I couldn't decide on which color I should use.  I asked if I could make both instead and the go ahead was given (how awesome that was for me).

Color #1

Color #2

Isn't she lovely.  

It worked out as this was a gift for a friend's niece who lives in Canada and it turned out that the mother had a blanket to match and was very appreciative of the gifts.

Until the next post....

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Thursday, 4 May 2023

The Mad Hatter (part 1)

 Hi Loves, 

I hope you don't think I have been neglecting you all.  Honestly, I am still learning to juggle a business, a family and all the social media shebang all at once.  I agree that I am not good at it but is willing to learn.  It would be great to be able to have a way to post to all at once wouldn't that be grand.  If any of you know a way that I can please feel free to share.  

Now for today's post, I would like to share a few pictures with you of what I have been up to.  It's going to be a few post as though I have been absent I have been busy.  Hope you all like it.  Before I show you the first slouchy, let's get a little back story.

So, a few months before I made this exact slouchy (see my cute little model) along with a black one for a client (see first 2 pics).  Fast forward she requested the same one as it was liked and taken by a friend.  Funny thing was I did it all without a pattern, but the good thing was I was the one who designed it. I took one look at the phone and replicated my design.


Other creators: let me take before, during and after phones for my social media platforms.
ME:  Being too excited for my order, remembering only after I started.  Oh well.

I however did not forget to take the finished product.  Here you go loves.

Until the next post....

Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Half Moon

Hi Loves, 

Welcome, and thank you for being part of the Khenzuri family.  It's nice to have you here. Today's post is a little different from the norm.  Let us make a simple cross-body bag using pictures only. A little disclaimer, these pictures were taken over 4 years ago, please excuse the quality.  Now let us get started

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

After completing the above steps,  part one of the bag is now completed. Now let us start part two.

Part 2, step 1 is the same as above, the remaining steps were done similarly, but halfway as we will be making a half moon.


 Let us be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter, and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Monday, 23 January 2023

Ari's Purse

 Hi loves, 

Happy New year to you. I would love to wish you all a wonderful and prosperous 2023, filled with good health, wealth, happiness and all your hearts desires.  On January 18, 2023, I was browsing YouTube and found a very easy to follow tutorial of a cute purse.  I watched the entire video and decided, hmmm I am going to make my little girl one.

I usually don't pay much attention to the type of yarn and sometimes the needle size.  I just use what I have and make modifications where necessary, and this time was no different.  I had this yarn , I unfortunately don't know the brand as it was a completed item I was asked to unravel to make something for my daughter's god mother, she however did not give me the go ahead and she has since past.  

I did the number of chains the pattern required but since the yarn and needle were different, my piece was small so I doubled the number of stitches. It was quiet an easy pattern to follow, I was in the rhythm minutes after starting.  After completing the number of rows she did, I decided to do another repeat which gave me the size that would be perfect for my 2 year old.

This was the amount she did.

This is what I did.

With the front being completed, I went and did the back panel.  Can you believe I modified the pattern to my liking and almost forgot what I did (😀😁😂😃😄).   I did another modification to the pattern by joining my pieces together then did the strap separately.  I did a 6 stitch knitted I-cord strap, attached my strap and cleaned the edge of the bag up, add a button and closure. My bag was all done. This took me 2 days to complete.  It would have been done in 2-3 hours but mama had a ton of things doing in between.  The straps took the longest if I'm being honest. 

@ACraftyConcept how did I do with my version of your cute bag?

I took a few pictures of the bag and also of her wearing it.  She loved in instantly.  I was however instructed to take other pictures to post by my eldest, so that's what I did.  Side note, I normally get  some form of opposition to enter the shower (then to get out) but all I had to say was; "Lets shower to take pics with your bag".

Trying to close it.

Do you all see that leg? Baby know how to pose.

Can you tell that she loves her new bag?  I didn't attached the tassels because I was ordered by her sister to make another and wanted to ensure I had enough of the yarn to do so.  I was given some specific instructions to follow when doing the 2nd bag:

"Mommy can you make me one as well, but make it so my phone and other things can go in it!" "And it needs to go across my body, like so (demonstrating with her hands)".  So loves look out for the sequel.  

Lets be friends, follow me on InstagramFacebookRavelryTwitter and TikTok   Check out my Etsy page as well.  New items to be added.

Thanks love for taking a read.  LiveLoveLaugh... Until next time. Khenzuri

Let's Go To The Beach

  Hi Loves,  It's great to share my love for creating and always having a work-in-progress on hand. Having a hobby that brings me joy an...