Friday, 21 August 2020

Airwool Glitz

Hi loves,

Hope you all are doing well in these troubled times.  Quarantine measures has most of us home, as such, we try to find ways to keep busy while praying we nor our loved ones get exposed to the coronavirus, #covid19.

Though not home very long I too have been trying to keep busy, that being said what better way than to do something one loves.

Over the past year I've made quite a few purchases from Iceyarn. One such purchase was the air wool glitz.  After purchasing, the yarn sat idle in my yarn stash.  Days, weeks, and months rolled by, still no clue what to make with this yarn.

Then comes the opportunity when a family member requested a cowl.   With the perfect pattern in mind, I set off to make her what she requested.

I honestly love using this yarn, it glides effortlessly over my needle and within hours a masterpiece was produced.

I'm not usually one to toot my own horn but I do believe I did well, what say you?

Thanks love for taking a read.  Live, Love, Laugh.. Please follow me on FB, Instagramtwittershop

Baby Doll

  Hi Loves,  I want to share with you something I've been up to lately. As someone who loves creating new things, I always seek inspirat...